Did you know banana peels are a sustainable swap for shoe polish? Maynard Okereke shares a sustainable hack that'll keep your leather items looking fresh and polished, without harming the environment. Traditional shoe polish production is not only energy-intensive but also contributes to waste in landfills with its non-biodegradable packaging. Instead of tossing away your banana peel after enjoying its delicious fruit, hold onto it to give your leather goods a new lease on life. Simply rub the inside of the banana peel on any scuffed or dusty leather items, then buff away any residue with a dry cloth. The natural oils and potassium in the peel will work wonders, rejuvenating your leather and leaving it with a beautiful, organic polish. By opting for this method, not only are you reducing your reliance on petroleum-based shoe polish (which can be hazardous waste in many areas), but you're also contributing to a decrease in energy consumption and waste production. It's a win-win for you and the planet!