Alex Dainis is diving deep into the world of holographic illusions. Ever wondered how to create your very own hologram-like spectacle at home? She shows you the magic of Pepper's Ghost, a 1800s classic, and adds in a scientific twist with a video featuring hemoglobin, the fascinating protein found in your blood. All you need are simple materials like a screen, a dark background video, and a piece of plastic or glass. But that's not all – she also uncovers the history of this illusion and how it's used in today's world, from amusement parks to concerts, where it even brings the likenesses of famous artists back to life. Plus, she reveals the secrets behind the illusion – how some light passes through the glass while some reflects towards the camera, creating a seemingly 3D image while still showing the background. And don't worry, this illusion isn't limited to screens; it can also be done with real people or objects in a dark room beside or below a stage using a simple piece of glass.