An Asteroid Is Approaching (But Won’t Hit) Earth On Near Miss Day Video Watch time Under 1 minute March 23, 2023 Image Near Miss Day is an annual event that commemorates a close call with an asteroid on March 23, 1989. On that day, an asteroid named 4581 Asclepius passed by Earth at a distance of about 450,000 miles, which is relatively close in astronomical terms. The asteroid was only discovered a few days prior, and its near-miss highlighted the importance of tracking near-Earth objects to protect against potential asteroid impacts. Near Miss Day serves as a reminder of the potential dangers that asteroids pose to our planet and the need to continue monitoring and tracking them. Asteroid 2023 DZ2 is a space rock that is scheduled to pass by Earth on March 25, 2023, just two days after Near Miss Day. Although it is not considered a major impact threat, the asteroid will come within about 100,000 miles of our planet, which is relatively close in astronomical terms. Astronomers have been tracking the asteroid's path using modern sky surveys to ensure that it will not pose a danger to Earth. Topics Space Sciences Women in STEM Share