Welcome Members Check this page monthly for specially curated videos, activities and more - just for museum members. Featured Video Take a deep dive into our video library with staff-selected picks! Find More Like This 'Tis the Quantum Season Another icy blast from the past! This online presentation comes from the winter of 2021. Check it out to see Megan and Meg explore the season through quantum physics. Love content like this? Presentations from our educators and visiting science experts are one of the best parts of visiting Science Park. Make sure to check the daily schedule at your next visit to catch a presentation or hands-on activity. Close Modal Featured Story Member Story Being a member means you're going beyond experiencing our world-class exhibits, you're helping to make them accessible to others! We love hearing from our members how much it means to them to see people enjoying the Museum. Keep sharing your stories via social media @museumofscience and join us at upcoming member events. Image Placeholder for content by topic Close Modal Featured Activity Bye Bye Bug If you've been able to check out Bugs 4-D, then perhaps you've gained a new appreciation for insects. Just maybe not when they're crawling under your covers. As the temperature drops and our crawling, buzzing, and scuttling friends take refuge indoors try this at home activity from Engineering is Elementary (EIE) to gently send them on their way. Try the Activity Learn More about EiE Image Placeholder for event listing Looking for more Member exclusives? Learn more about member benefits and check out upcoming excusive experiences. Member Events Benefits