Pedal Power: Celebrating Community Through Biking

Gear up for this one-day event! 

In partnership with HUBLUV, the Museum of Science is excited to celebrate the bicycling community around Greater Boston.

Pedal Power on a blue background with a bike wheel at the top.

People-centered transportation provides the solution to live sustainably on Earth. Join us for a resource fair and featured presentations to learn how bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure can build community, improve personal health, and address the climate crisis. Connect with community organizations about the incredible work already happening around Greater Boston and increase your own biking confidence!

Check out informational and activity tables throughout the Exhibit Halls and listen to guest speakers on the Museum’s stages.

Complimentary valet bicycle parking is available for those who bike into this event!

In partnership with HUBLUV. Presented in conjunction with the Museum’s Center for the Environment, and part of the Museum’s Year of the Earthshot, a yearlong exploration of climate action and sustainable solutions

Date and Time

Saturday, August 24 | 11:00 am – 3:00 pm


All Ages


Entire Museum View Map


Included with Exhibit Halls Admission



Date and Time

Saturday, August 24 | 11:00 am – 3:00 pm


All Ages


Entire Museum View Map


Included with Exhibit Halls Admission



People-centered transportation provides the solution to live sustainably on Earth. Join us for a resource fair and featured presentations to learn how bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure can build community, improve personal health, and address the climate crisis. Connect with community organizations about the incredible work already happening around Greater Boston and increase your own biking confidence!

Check out informational and activity tables throughout the Exhibit Halls and listen to guest speakers on the Museum’s stages.

Complimentary valet bicycle parking is available for those who bike into this event!

In partnership with HUBLUV. Presented in conjunction with the Museum’s Center for the Environment, and part of the Museum’s Year of the Earthshot, a yearlong exploration of climate action and sustainable solutions

Get a Free Ride from BlueBikes

In collaboration with BlueBikes, receive a free single ride on a classic bike using promo code: MUSEUMBIKEDAY24

Event Highlights


Gordon Current Science and Technology Stage

1:00 pm
Vivian Ortiz: Bicycle Mayor of Boston
A Bike Ride on Martha’s Vineyard

3:00 pm
New England Mountain Bike Association
Community Cycling Advocacy and Accessibility

Visit our Partners

  • AMC/Bay Circuit Trail
  • Bikes Not Bombs
  • Bike to the Sea
  • Blue Bikes
  • Boston Cyclists Union
  • BrothersOnBikesBoston
  • Community Pedal Power
  • MA Safe Routes to School
  • MassBike
  • Metropolitan Area Planning Council
  • Mystic River Watershed Association
  • New England Mountain Bike Association
  • Norwottuck Trail Network


Theater of Electricity

See our famous Lightning! show and see how a bicycle can be used to power a lightbulb!

Shows at 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm.

Innovation Earth

Blue Wing, Level 2

Stop by our newest exhibit and learn about the future with a fully autonomous bicycle!