Close Modal Member Appreciation Night Members are the heart of our mission to inspire a lifelong love of science in everyone, and Member Appreciation Night is just one of the ways we like to say THANK YOU! Join us for a special evening at the Museum of Science for a members-only experience.Save the date — Friday, April 4 — and join the fun! Not a member? Join today! Whether you’re a new member, or have been with us for years, Member Appreciation Night has something to surprise and delight you. Explore the Exhibit Halls after-hours with fellow science-enthusiasts and enjoy Museum favorites like a 4-D Theater show. Participate in a Design Challenge, meet Stompy and Spot at a Robot Roundup, and catch a show full of fun and exciting yo-yo tricks, awesome music, and more. The café will be open 5:00 to 6:30 pm (members save 10%), so make a night of it as we celebrate everything you do to support a world where science belongs to each of us for the good of all of us.Tickets for FREE showings of Bugs 4-D can be reserved starting on Tuesday, April 1.FREE event admission and parking for members.Event admission is limited to the number of Exhibit Halls admissions permitted with your current membership level.Members do not need to reserve Exhibit Halls tickets for this event, but tickets are required for the 4-D Theater shows.The Exhibit Halls will be closed to all guests from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.Food and drink will be available for purchase at the Starbucks from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, with food from the Riverview Café's Chalkboard Grill available 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Bugs 4-D Tickets Available April 1! Date and Time Friday, April 4 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm Audience All Ages Location Blue Wing, Green Wing, Riverview Café View Map Price FREE admission and parking for members Bugs 4-D Tickets Available April 1! Date and Time Friday, April 4 | 6:00 – 9:00 pm Audience All Ages Location Blue Wing, Green Wing, Riverview Café View Map Price FREE admission and parking for members Whether you’re a new member, or have been with us for years, Member Appreciation Night has something to surprise and delight you. Explore the Exhibit Halls after-hours with fellow science-enthusiasts and enjoy Museum favorites like a 4-D Theater show. Participate in a Design Challenge, meet Stompy and Spot at a Robot Roundup, and catch a show full of fun and exciting yo-yo tricks, awesome music, and more. The café will be open 5:00 to 6:30 pm (members save 10%), so make a night of it as we celebrate everything you do to support a world where science belongs to each of us for the good of all of us.Tickets for FREE showings of Bugs 4-D can be reserved starting on Tuesday, April 1.FREE event admission and parking for members.Event admission is limited to the number of Exhibit Halls admissions permitted with your current membership level.Members do not need to reserve Exhibit Halls tickets for this event, but tickets are required for the 4-D Theater shows.The Exhibit Halls will be closed to all guests from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.Food and drink will be available for purchase at the Starbucks from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, with food from the Riverview Café's Chalkboard Grill available 5:00 to 6:30 pm. 5:00 ̶ 6:30 pmMuseum Café — Hot Food AvailableRed Wing, Level 15:00 ̶ 7:00 pmMuseum Café — Grab and GoRed Wing, Level 16:00 ̶ 9:00 pmExhibit Halls Open6:20 ̶ 8:40 pmShows every 20 min.Bugs 4-D (tickets required)4-D Theater, Blue Wing, Level 26:30 ̶ 8:30 pmEngineering Design ChallengeBlue Wing, Lower Level6:30 pmRobot RoundupGordon Current Science & Technology Stage, Blue Wing, Level 17:00 pmSpinning Science into Fun with The Ooch ExperienceShapiro Family Science Live! Stage, Green Wing, Lower LevelCognitive Training with our TamarinsHall of Human Life, Green Wing, Level 27:30 pmRobot RoundupGordon Current Science & Technology Stage, Blue Wing, Level 18:00 pmSpinning Science into Fun with The Ooch ExperienceShapiro Family Science Live! Stage, Green Wing, Lower Level