Expanding Versatile Offerings for Learning in Virtual Environments

Content developers and researchers from the Museum’s EiE® (curricula) division join with astronomy educators and media producers from the Charles Hayden Planetarium and local community partners such as Girls, Inc., the Boys and Girls Club, the Science Club for Girls, and others, to create curricula-based livestreams, videos, and other opportunities that support remote learning for students in grades 3 – 8.

A purple and orange galaxy
Placeholder for dynamic content listing

This material is based upon work supported by NASA under grant number 80NSSC21M0042. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the Museum of Science, Boston and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

For more information, contact:

Marianne Knowles, mknowles@mos.org; Dani LeBlanc, dleblanc@mos.org; Talia Sepersky, tsepersky@mos.org